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Wednesday 12 February 2014

SECURITY ALERT: The Scourge of Card Skimming

By : Unknown
On : 13:34
The South African Banking Information Centre (SABRIC) would like to warn customers to continue being vigilant in order to avoid card skimming when using their cards at ATMs or to make payments in restaurants and retail stores.


SABRIC has identified card skimming as one of the threats in the card fraud environment which has contributed enormously to counterfeit card fraud. SABRIC’s figures on card fraud have revealed that about 1 281 handheld skimming devices were recovered by investigators since 2005, of which 129 were recovered last year up to end September.

Gauteng Province has been highlighted as the province in which this criminal modus operandi is most popular. Last year, investigators recovered 57 skimming devices in the province alone. “This has highlighted the depth of the problem and as SABRIC, we continuously warn bank customers to be wary of card skimmers and never to let their card out of their sight when performing transactions” said SABRIC CEO, Kalyani Pillay. Cards can be skimmed at ATMs or at points of sale.

 SABRIC wants to emphasize the importance of never accepting any assistance from anybody at the ATM and also of shielding the keypad with your free hand when inserting the pin number. Bank customers who are going to be making use of the internet to do their shopping should make use of 3Dsecure products and websites that support them.  

What is 3D secure?

• Also called Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode; it is an authentication service that allows only the cardholder to use the card.
• It helps online merchants and banks know when it is the cardholder that is shopping online
 • It allows the cardholder to enter an additional password or PIN to verify the legitimacy of the purchase When shopping online, only place orders with the card on a secure website and do not send e-mails that quote the card number, expiry date or CVV number.

We would also like to urge the public to only use online merchants that conform to these secure standards. In addition, bank customers are advised to adhere to the following tips:


• If you are disturbed or interfered with whilst transacting at the ATM, it is possible that your card may be skimmed by being removed and replaced back into the ATM without your knowledge. Cancel the transaction and immediately report the incident using your Bank’s Stop Card Toll free number which is displayed on all ATMs as well as on the back of your bank card.

• Know what your ATM looks like so that you are able to identify any foreign objects attached to it.

• Never let the card out of your sight when making payments.

• If you have debit; cheque and/or credit cards, don’t choose the same PIN for all of them, so that if you lose one, the others will still be safe.

• Keep your transaction slips and check them against your statement to spot any suspicious transactions and query them immediately.

 SABRIC is a Non Profit Company formed by South African banks to support the banking industry in the combating of crime. SABRIC’s clients are South African banks and major CIT companies. Its principle business is to detect, prevent and reduce organised crime in the banking industry through effective public private partnerships. SABRIC co-ordinates inter-bank activities aimed at addressing organised bank related commercial and violent crime and acts as a nodal point between the banking industry and others, in respect of issues relating to crime. The creation of public awareness of various bank related crimes and educating the public on how to protect themselves is one of SABRIC’s key focus areas. For more on SABRIC visit www.sabric.co.za



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